AgrifoodTEF provides an EU network of Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEF), both virtual and physical, to provide services that help assess and validate AI and Robotic solutions under real-world conditions to foster sustainable agriculture and efficient food production
Key topics: arable farming, tree, horticulture, livestock farming, food processing, viticulture
Co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement No 101100622 and the Italian Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy (MIMIT)
5-year project (2023-2027)
The Digital Industry Center of FBK will provide Testing and Experimentation services to validate AI and robotic solutions in the agrifood sector. Check our catalogue to know more:
How to access our services for the agrifood sector
In order to ensure the provision of high-quality and innovative services that best respond to your needs, the following steps will be followed towards service delivery:
Contact us
If you want to learn more about our services and start collaborating with us, contact us at:
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