
The Digital Industry Center fosters the collaboration with Italian and EU companies and industries to bridge the gap between research and the market, contributing to develop and deploy the most advanced technologies at industrial level.

In the framework of three initiatives co-funded by the European Commission and MIMIT (Italian Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy), i.e., AgrifoodTEF, AI-MATTERS and InnovAction, we can offer different types of services to bring AI to the market and accelerate innovation. The Digital Industry Center supports companies to test their latest AI-based technologies in real-world environments and to improve their products or services through the adoption of digital technologies. Specifically, we can offer services through the above-mentioned initiatives that fall within three main categories:

Testing and Experimentation of AI and robotic solutions in the agrifood sector

Testing and Experimentation of AI and robotic solutions in the manufacturing

Test Before Invest to accelerate the Twin Transition (digital & green)

If you want to learn more about our services and start collaborating with us, contact us at:  

We address our services to..

Technology provider

If you are an SME, start up or big company in the agrifood or manufacturing sector having an AI or robotic solution already validated in laboratory, you can access our testing and experimentation services to test and validate your solution.

technology user

If you are an SME or start up in any sector willing to accelerate the digital and green transition of your organization, you can access our Test Before Invest services for the Twin Transition

Business incentives to access our services

You can access our services for free or at a reduced cost through State Aid, depending on the size of your company. 

Contact us

If you want to learn more about our services and start collaborating with us, contact us at:  

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