Confindustria Bergamo and Consorzio Intellimech visiting FBK and the Innovation Ecosystem of Trentino

On the 17th of July 2024 the Digital Industry Center hosted a delegation including the Innovavation and Sustainability teams of Confindustria Bergamo and Consorzio Intellimech, visiting the innovation ecosystem of Trentino. The visit was organized by Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A., with the aim of introducing the competences and the key stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem and foster the relationships to favour potential collaborations with the enterprises located in the Trentino and Lombardia regions. 

The delegation learned about innovative projects and initiatives in the fields of sustainability and smart manufacturing. Specifically, during the visit of the Digital Industry Center, the Director Alessandro Cimatti introduced the Center's activities and main competences, providing examples of innovative projects that the Center has implemented with enterprises and industries. 

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of three important initiatives for the Digital Industry Center, the AgrifoodTEF, AI MATTERS and InnovAction projects. These initiatives were presented as a key opportunity for SMEs and enterprises to access services offered by the DI Center, that could support them in the validation of AI and robotic solutions in the agrifood (AgrifoodTEF) or manufacturing (AI MATTERS) fields, or the accelerate their innovation through a digital and green transition (InnovAction). 

The potential to establish new synergies between different territories and the high-level competences provided by key stakeholders such as FBK truly represent a game changer for those companies willing to keep up with the most advanced technologies and improve their competitiveness on the market. 

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