The AI Platform for Public Administration  

15 July 2024 | Sala Stringa - Online | 11:00 | Raman Kazhamiakin  (DS Lab, Digital Society Center, FBK) 


Presentation of the AIxPA technological platform of the project. Focus on objectives, architecture, and functionalities.  

Dr. Raman Kazhamiakin  is the head of the DS Lab at FBK. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trento (Italy) in 2007. He has been involved in a wide range of innovation and industrial projects, driving anfd coordinating the development and integration activities. He also actively participated to different EU research projects. His interests lie mainly in the area of the Cloud Computing, Service-Oriented Computing, AI, and data science applied in the area of smart cities, mobility, and digital transformation.

The DS Lab makes part of the Digital Society center Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Since its creation, the lab is working on the realization and deployment of various research and innovation products in such areas as smart mobility, education, digital transformation. The lab has an extensive experience in the software development, integration, and technology transfer activities, working on a wide range of technologies, from mobile app development, to system integration, data processing, and business intelligence.