28 November  2022 | Sala Stringa - Online | 15:00 | Franco Fummi (University of Verona) 


Smart factories can be seen as complex cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs). Their design, implementation, management and evaluation needs some abstraction strategies to focus on the relevant aspects instead of on the low-level details. This talk proposes an abstraction methodology, and related tools, starting from the way to build a complete model of the CPPS, based on SysML. There is also the description of protocols (like OPC-UA) to see the CPPS as a service oriented architecture, where IIoT data are collected by an ad-hoc architecture. The model allows the automatic configuration of this data collection architecture with the generation also of the digital-twin of the production line. Finally, the integration of different Manufacturing Execution Systems (MESs) produces an integrated view through the so called Meta-MES. 

Franco Fummi received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1990 and the Ph.D.in Electronic and Communication Engineering in 1994 at Politecnico di Milano. In 1993 he was Research Assistant at the department of Computer Science of the University of Victoria (B.C.).

In 1996 he obtained the position of Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione of Politecnico di Milano where he remained until October 1998. In July 1998 he obtained the position of Associate Professor in Computer Architecture at the Computer Science Department of Università di Verona.

Since March 2001 he is Full Professor in Computer Architecture at the Computer Science Department of Università di Verona

He is leading the Cyber-physical and IoT Systems Design (CISD) group of the Università di Verona, currently composed of more than 20 people and working on hardware description languages and electronic design automation methodologies for modeling, verification, testing and optimization of cyber-physical systems.

He published more than 300 papers; three of them received the "best paper award" respectively at IEEE EURODAC'96, IEEE DATE'99 and IEEE FDL'11.

From 2012 to 2018 is has been the head of the Department of Computer Science at the Università di Verona, that has been selected by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) in the 180 "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022" (Departments of Excellence).

Under this framework, he is leading the project Computer Engineering for Industry 4.0 (https://www.icelab.di.univr.it/) which is focusing to industrial computer engineering the researches of the entire Department of Computer Science.